jenniferabe: Kat encounters 3 level 21 Sonny Angels...
jenniferabe: ADED 3/365 Rhino: I think she's crazy
jenniferabe: Kat Ironclaw, level 12 human fighter
jenniferabe: Phoebe: It wasn't MY idea, I swear!
jenniferabe: Jill: Whoa! Don't speed up yet!!
jenniferabe: ADED 4/365 Jill: almost there, keep the car steady!
jenniferabe: Caught the girls driving in the house again today...
jenniferabe: "Is this one for me?"
jenniferabe: "Ooo look! We might get a baby hedgehog!"
jenniferabe: Juniper made a beeline for the Baby Zoo
jenniferabe: oops...we went to Japantown
jenniferabe: omnomnomnom
jenniferabe: Ingredients
jenniferabe: Stoli Doli with Sonny Angel sidecar
jenniferabe: ADED 20/365 Is it cocktail hour?
jenniferabe: ADED 70/365 "What is it?"
jenniferabe: "May we have some ice cream?"
jenniferabe: "Did you hear something Fifi?"
jenniferabe: ADED 89/365 "Excuse me, which way is the mall?"
jenniferabe: "It's funny to living in a modern life."
jenniferabe: Bok! Bok! Bok!
jenniferabe: Bok! Bok! Bok!