Jennifer M. White: only 1 12/ hours work...
Jennifer M. White: Not dead yet…..
Jennifer M. White: Not dead yet…..
Jennifer M. White: Not dead yet…..
Jennifer M. White: Nothing like “bus lighting” for showing off one’s set of wrinkles. Eat your hearts out, kids. I once again break my solemn vow to never travel in groups of 40+ trans women. And re-learn my lesson…
Jennifer M. White: Friday at Keystone- another day, another 3 outfits. My spouse and I argued about who gets to style my hair- I lost. To my advantage
Jennifer M. White: Doing the Keystone Conference for the umpteenth time. Whenever my hair, and the stars finally align will be my cue to bow out gracefully. So far, hair is not cooperating. And my wife ( here to keep me out of trouble) declared my Escada jacket “too…
Jennifer M. White: Doing the Keystone Conference for the umpteenth time. Whenever my hair, and the stars finally align will be my cue to bow out gracefully. So far, hair is not cooperating. And my wife ( here to keep me out of trouble) declared my Escada jacket “too…
Jennifer M. White: More from the week that was (Boston, Jan.2023)
Jennifer M. White: More from the week that was (Boston, Jan.2023)
Jennifer M. White: Our last evening at First Event…The Last of the First. Conferences have become far more simply to get out and socialize rather than honing my “skills”, such as they are. And as I accept more and more my “trans” identity…
Jennifer M. White: Our last evening at First Event…The Last of the First. Conferences have become far more simply to get out and socialize rather than honing my “skills”, such as they are. And as I accept more and more my “trans” identity…
Jennifer M. White: More of same…
Jennifer M. White: First Event-headed out for some fun!!
Jennifer M. White: Well, another day…another free plug for some store. My hair went south about 15 minutes after walking away from the mirror at home…
Jennifer M. White: Well, another day…another free plug for some store. My hair went south about 15 minutes after walking away from the mirror at home…
Jennifer M. White: Yesterday was spent entirely working on my “appearance”, watching World Cup, and otherwise puttering around the house (it was too cold to go out anyway). My wife helped with my “do”, but eventually I “adjust” and she throws up her hands…
Jennifer M. White: Yesterday was spent entirely working on my “appearance”, watching World Cup, and otherwise puttering around the house (it was too cold to go out anyway). My wife helped with my “do”, but eventually I “adjust” and she throws up her hands…
Jennifer M. White: Looking pleased with myself after another session with curlers. And who doesn’t want another hour thrown into the mix before I can step outside and face the world?
Jennifer M. White: Further hair stylings. Obviously I was born to be a hairdresser. My wife helped tease it a bit for the sake of my “thinning”…
Jennifer M. White: Just another middle aged trans woman making her way in the world. Much Love and HAPPY THANKSGIVING ❤️
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My Hair Day- by Jennie White. I had planned in advance today was to be a full frontal assault on my HAIR! It was time that dry, patchy, usually disobedient pile of string did what it was told! First things first- shower, shampoo, conditioner, and mouse..
Jennifer M. White: My new “ look” with my own hair continues to evolve. It’s been suggested I go to a hairdresser my wife uses. She’s younger, gay, ( and unbeknownst to my wife), knows all about Jennie). She’s the perfect person to “femme” my looks a bit…
Jennifer M. White: What I started the day with…. If it hadn’t been so windy, this “do” might have lasted a few hours. Note to self: “Far more serious hair spray”.
Jennifer M. White: The Experiment(s) Continue…