beshubee: By author and artists William Peter shubalis Google my name
mattd85: Full Moon 97.1%
Thierry-Photos: Times Square, New-York
Mrs Judge: Eye Spy
lisa19666: lion
szeke: Flamingos
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Can you see her?
MAGGY L: Courbure de l'Univers
MAGGY L: Narcisse
MACRO Polo: Shiny strands
MACRO Polo: If at first you don't succeed... 10/365
Tina Jarnling: Winter is here
t2psalm: nature in a dewdrop
ByronFoto: Again !
MAGGY L: Les sentinelles
xstc: Houses of Parliament
Mark Dries: Beach
Thierry-Photos: Bon marché, Paris