*jenni.: this is a (costume) test
*jenni.: this is a (costume) test
*jenni.: this is a (costume) test
*jenni.: color and lines
*jenni.: costume idea
*jenni.: Photo shoot!
*jenni.: Save the Date! March 21/22 8pm
*jenni.: first rehearsal
*jenni.: first rehearsal
*jenni.: alberto
*jenni.: marco and sadie
*jenni.: gem suit tilda
*jenni.: more costume ideas
*jenni.: red tux chick
*jenni.: red tux pants womens
*jenni.: more costume ideas
*jenni.: wang tux remix
*jenni.: mens latin_tux_pant
*jenni.: cumberbun pants
*jenni.: working at the genius bar
*jenni.: Every part of this process is my favorite
*jenni.: Hot off the presses.
*jenni.: torsos! in beyonce's countdown video
*jenni.: OSA black box
*jenni.: dreaming
*jenni.: Kaleidoscope play - sharon guest directs Pattern 2
*jenni.: Malonga
*jenni.: Malonga A