*jenni.: proud peter
*jenni.: she sleeps on seth
*jenni.: wiggles
*jenni.: melted yet, seth?
*jenni.: are you sleepy?
*jenni.: KiKi wants to meet you... and break your heart in a million pieces then sew them up again with red ribbons
*jenni.: chase
*jenni.: paws
*jenni.: captivated seth
*jenni.: mmmm breakfast
*jenni.: rough
*jenni.: roll
*jenni.: recharge
*jenni.: KiKi and Moo
*jenni.: seth's floppy girl
*jenni.: curious girl
*jenni.: 10 seconds into dinner at Uncle Peter's
*jenni.: On the big dog bed at Peter's
*jenni.: princess KiKi
*jenni.: she likes dad
*jenni.: jon meets kiki
*jenni.: the rope makes instant friends
*jenni.: it is almost enough attention
*jenni.: napping in the sun spot
*jenni.: the last corner of sun