jenn! (knits a lot): All Encompassing Clouds Hover
jenn! (knits a lot): An Industrial View
jenn! (knits a lot): Grey Ship, Grey Day
jenn! (knits a lot): Stern of a Ship
jenn! (knits a lot): Danger Below
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Fence Lining the Driveway
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Flowing from Panel to Panel
jenn! (knits a lot): I want a fence like this in my yard!
jenn! (knits a lot): Beautiful Fence
jenn! (knits a lot): Each Panel is different
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Fence Panel
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Examples
jenn! (knits a lot): Straw/Lace Window Treatment
jenn! (knits a lot): Faux Bois Vinyl
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Samples in Straw
jenn! (knits a lot): A Fiber Collection Pt. 1
jenn! (knits a lot): A Fiber Collection Pt. 2
jenn! (knits a lot): Lacework in Iron
jenn! (knits a lot): Spiraling Outward
jenn! (knits a lot): Bottom of the Barrel
jenn! (knits a lot): Giant Iron Barrel
jenn! (knits a lot): Iron Cut Outs
jenn! (knits a lot): Backyard of the Design Center
jenn! (knits a lot): Straw Lace on the inside of the Design Center
jenn! (knits a lot): Thin Metal Dye-Cut
jenn! (knits a lot): Closer Look
jenn! (knits a lot): Intricate Details
jenn! (knits a lot): Lace Work Double Bench