jfeuchter: Presiding couple
jfeuchter: #Duckwatch2014 Week 1. Counted 11 ducklings: 3 older & 8 younger ones.
jfeuchter: Week 2 - Group B
jfeuchter: Week 2
jfeuchter: Week 2 - we'll call them group A
jfeuchter: Week 4 - Group A (1 wandered off to eat) all present & accounted for. #ducks #duckwatch2014
jfeuchter: Week 4 - Group A is getting so big! Sunscreen in the eye made Locutus want to go home so we didn't stay long or see group B today :( #ducks #duckwatch2014
jfeuchter: Week 4 - Group B was back but with only 6 ducklings :( The mama duck was very wary of us. #ducks #duckwatch2014
jfeuchter: Week 5 - Group B showed up but stayed in the water. There was actually a bit of a duck fight when group A got greedy and took to the water to get the food we tossed to group B. #ducks #duckwatch2014
jfeuchter: Week 5 - A closer view of group A. #ducks #duckwatch2014
jfeuchter: Week 6 - Some of group A is so bold that they will eat off my shoe and walk over it. Got them to eat off Locutus's shoe too. #ducks #duckwatch #ducklings
jfeuchter: Week 6 - Group A is big. And bossy. We witnessed some duck bites and fights. It's hard to explain to a 2 yr old to manage the food to keep them apart. #ducks #duckwatch #ducklings
jfeuchter: Week 6 - Group B was waiting this week and came running. Guess what? There are 7, not 6 like I thought before. #ducks #duckwatch #ducklings
jfeuchter: Week 7 - Group B is getting bigger. I try to keep the groups separated or they fight. Also, group A will force these guys back to the pond & eat all their food. #ducks #ducklings #duckwatch
jfeuchter: Week 7 - Some of group A. It's getting very difficult to tell the difference between the mama and the ducklings #ducks #ducklings #duckwatch
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 11 - when you don't show up on the schedule you've set, you don't get to see all the regulars. Only the big guys came out for food. #ducks
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 12 - Only these 3 ducks showed up. A little worried about the rest :( #ducks #ducksofinstagram
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 10 Group C - These guys are getting bigger & bigger too! Hope they enjoyed the rainy day!
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 10 - Duckfight! There are a dozen larger group A/B ducks who show up for food. They don't all get along though. #ducks
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 9? - Group C is down to 5 #ducklings. No fighting this week - yay! They were hanging out in the grassy area in the shade of some bushes. #ducks
jfeuchter: #ducks #duckwatch Week 9? They get very friendly now and will eat from my hand. If we put seed in the stroller, I wouldn't be surprised if they climbed in after it.
jfeuchter: #duckwatch Week 9 (I think). It's too hard to tell group A & B apart now as they all are pretty big. Haven't seen any develop male colours yet. #ducks