*Starbuck*: on the barrel
*Starbuck*: ride and ice cream, good times
*Starbuck*: Bear in a Barrell!!! Complete with BEAR TONGUE!!!
*Starbuck*: mmmm! ice cream!
*Starbuck*: waving goodbye
*Starbuck*: the funniest thing I've ever seen
*Starbuck*: running really fast
*Starbuck*: drinking milk and a little bit of root beer
*Starbuck*: yum! ice cream!
*Starbuck*: bear on a ball
*Starbuck*: bear on a swing
*Starbuck*: standing up and clapping
*Starbuck*: the don't dribble, but they drool
*Starbuck*: playing basketball
*Starbuck*: playing basketball
*Starbuck*: bear in a yoga position
*Starbuck*: BEAR TONGUE!!!
*Starbuck*: bear on a scooter
*Starbuck*: the Moxie Horsemobile
*Starbuck*: Nikki and Wolfman
*Starbuck*: weigh in
*Starbuck*: swinging and clapping
*Starbuck*: yoga bear
*Starbuck*: the meanest bear on the playground