JenMauKel: 1. Don't forget to eat your black eyed peas.
JenMauKel: 2. Manhattan bound 7 train platform.
JenMauKel: 3. Who uses landlines anyways?
JenMauKel: 4. Stick 'em up!
JenMauKel: 5. Chrysler Bldg reflected in The UN windows.
JenMauKel: 6. Cotton: the flower that never dies.
JenMauKel: 7. Pelham Bay 6 train platform
JenMauKel: 8. Panning on a pedestrian
JenMauKel: 9. Winter landscape.
JenMauKel: 10. RED from my grandmother's matchbook collection
JenMauKel: 11. ART DECO from my desk and through an x-cube.
JenMauKel: 12. Today a chair, one day a pillow(s)...almost a goner but I love that fabric.
JenMauKel: 13. Shadows and lines
JenMauKel: 14. Trying to make East Midtown look cool.
JenMauKel: 15. Shake Shack and 23rd Street lights through my Brooklyn Double Chocolate Stout glass.
JenMauKel: 16. Spent the morning taking headshots of Matt.
JenMauKel: 17. San Loco!
JenMauKel: 18. 3rd Ave on a rainy night.
JenMauKel: 19. Self Portrait- on my way up to the office
JenMauKel: 20. Trip to Jackson Heights to shop for our Indian feast on Saturday!
JenMauKel: 21. Oil can beautiful, when it's not killing ecosystems.
JenMauKel: 22. Mango and cilantro chutneys
JenMauKel: 23. View from our bedroom window.
JenMauKel: 24. Morning light on 42nd St.
JenMauKel: 25. Breakfast taco, thanks Jasmine for inspiring me to make one.
JenMauKel: 26. It snowed...again.
JenMauKel: 27. View from 7 train's ass at Queensboro Plaza.
JenMauKel: 28. 80 days to Buenos Aires. Is it to early to pack?
JenMauKel: 29. Paint at Astoria Blvd.
JenMauKel: 30. Self Portrait- foyer mirror