jenly: the ceremonies begin...
jenly: bagpipes leading procession to ice
jenly: "since 1956"
jenly: first practice throw
jenly: pretend round
jenly: sweep!
jenly: skipper throws
jenly: skipper
jenly: masha prepares
jenly: masha gives chase!
jenly: some kid who was really good
jenly: russ
jenly: adrake
jenly: adrake
jenly: masha throws, skip sweeps
jenly: maria gauging direction
jenly: me, skip
jenly: amateur competition qualifying rounds
jenly: masha
jenly: maria, fallen adrake!
jenly: russ sets up
jenly: russ aims
jenly: russ throws :)
jenly: russ
jenly: me
jenly: chasing after the stone
jenly: speedy skip