jeni.entwistle: Ahhhh :)
jeni.entwistle: Hurrah for coffee time!
jeni.entwistle: Hurrah for coffee time!!
jeni.entwistle: "MY chocolate cakes" :D
jeni.entwistle: "canhardlywaitforcoffeetime" flavour mini-Hermans :)
jeni.entwistle: One Herman cooked and cooling :)
jeni.entwistle: Mini various fruity chocolate rainbow Hermans ready to go in...
jeni.entwistle: "notsurewhattocallit" kind of Herman, ready for the oven.
jeni.entwistle: Herman Day today
jeni.entwistle: Cocoa and raspberry Herman. Delicious!
jeni.entwistle: Pink white chocolate chip and raspberry mini-Hermans :-)
jeni.entwistle: Rainbow Herman minicakes! Inspired by Vicki :-) Mini-mini ones have a fresh raspberry pressed into the centre of each. Hope they work, can't wait to try them :-)
jeni.entwistle: chocolate herman muffins
jeni.entwistle: It's Herman Day. These have got fresh raspberry centres. They're mine :)
jeni.entwistle: Chocolate Herman with white chocolate drops