Jenica26: DailyPic 1/21: Singing along to Mellencamp in my office
Jenica26: dailypic 1/22: New jeans and sweater
Jenica26: DailyPic 1/23: Miles looooves being held like this
Jenica26: DailyPic 1/24: watching fighter practice
Jenica26: dailypic 1/25: Jenica tries to use the computer while holding a 20 pound cat.
Jenica26: dailypic 1/26: checking voicemail on my birthday.
Jenica26: DailyPic 1/27: Sick day, tired as tired can be.
Jenica26: DailyPic 1/28: Professional reading
Jenica26: dailypic 1/30: I wish these piles would go away
Jenica26: DailyPic 1/31: I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen
Jenica26: Dailypic 2/2: harvesting data from my old laptop
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/3: They enclosed a dollar bill
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/4: Chocolate
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/5: latenite
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/6: Oh yeah, it's Friday.
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/9: Those piles are my tenure file. Sort of. They will be.
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/10: needle stick and bread stick
Jenica26: dailypic 2/12: hug the kitty
Jenica26: dailypic 2/15: I need to water the peace lily
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/16: lounging with Miles
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/18: CryoCuff
Jenica26: dailypic 2/19: scheduling PT
Jenica26: dailypic 2/20: who's more disgruntled?
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/22: Cyborg arms are made of velcro.
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/23: PT stretches
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/24: I declare naptime.
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/25: Excellent flexibility
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/26: Me and Jack.
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/27: Purr
Jenica26: DailyPic 2/28: attempting productive creativity