Jenica26: Snow Goblins
Jenica26: The exiled Lords of Gersh...
Jenica26: Stepping out for a walk...
Jenica26: The Lords arrive in Pinedale
Jenica26: Doolin watches the goblins approach
Jenica26: Xavius, offering his services
Jenica26: Lords Kuragami and Wei inspecting the Inn
Jenica26: Goblins in motion
Jenica26: The beginnings of The Guild?
Jenica26: Rennorrae before the fire
Jenica26: Hey, look, the Inn.
Jenica26: The Blacksmith, Doolin, and Rennorrae
Jenica26: the snow, again
Jenica26: Xicris, taking shelter on the NSGG porch
Jenica26: Atticus and Rothgar, out of the snow
Jenica26: Raym
Jenica26: Octavian, Atticus and Rothgar
Jenica26: Xicris and Cambrin
Jenica26: Gone but not forgotten
Jenica26: The Legion's new totem
Jenica26: In memoriam
Jenica26: In the snow
Jenica26: Malakai
Jenica26: Doolin's Junk
Jenica26: Gabby's brew shack
Jenica26: Lords Wei and Iga, sitting.
Jenica26: ...and sitting... and sitting...
Jenica26: Lords Wei and Iga observing the Nox-ridden innkeep
Jenica26: Atticus, Octavian, and Rothgar
Jenica26: Inside the Inn