jengirlg: Hello, Texas
jengirlg: Group activities
jengirlg: Drive by
jengirlg: San Antonio
jengirlg: Remember the Alamo
jengirlg: The Alamo
jengirlg: Again with the Alamo
jengirlg: The Look
jengirlg: A river runs through it
jengirlg: The capitol
jengirlg: More capitol
jengirlg: Statuary
jengirlg: Fountain
jengirlg: Different fountain
jengirlg: More fountain
jengirlg: The view from here
jengirlg: Spring!
jengirlg: House beautiful
jengirlg: Nice columns
jengirlg: Bloggers know how to par-tay
jengirlg: Capitol at night
jengirlg: Great outdoors
jengirlg: Shadows
jengirlg: The view from up here
jengirlg: Overlook
jengirlg: Big chair
jengirlg: Lone star
jengirlg: Not funny
jengirlg: Lunch!
jengirlg: Rustic charm