jeneyepher: .calgon, take me away.
jeneyepher: Day 33: I love this necklace
jeneyepher: .asslight, no. breastlight, yes.
jeneyepher: Day 235: return of the pearl necklace
jeneyepher: Day 332: eh ( the return).
jeneyepher: Day 262: I got me some talented breastesseses!
jeneyepher: Day 222: Beneath
jeneyepher: Day 111: lace and skin
jeneyepher: With pout ( alternate )- day 69
jeneyepher: W/out tongue (alternate 2)- day 69
jeneyepher: Day 69: Keep clean and jizz free!
jeneyepher: possible day 54?
jeneyepher: Day 47: Lady in Red
jeneyepher: .New Years cleavage.
jeneyepher: Who friggin took this pic?
jeneyepher: bringing sexy back # 1
jeneyepher: no.title.yet.
jeneyepher: Chartreuse Pillow Set
jeneyepher: Chartreuse Pillow Set
jeneyepher: Chartreuse Pillow Set
jeneyepher: Chartreuse Pillow Set
jeneyepher: Preparing for a nap 2
jeneyepher: La Isla Bonita
jeneyepher: Preparing for a nap 1
jeneyepher: .shawl on shoulders.
jeneyepher: Day 25: Open up and Say ____.
jeneyepher: .if only he was here.
jeneyepher: .i suck at captions.
jeneyepher: .come hither.