jenchung: Excited for Ocean Park
jenchung: On dee plane
jenchung: Clouds over LGA
jenchung: Gate C11
jenchung: First of many many panda pictures
jenchung: Please, don't bring gasoline and a flammable gas torch on board
jenchung: Static guard and cassette gas - NOT ALLOWED
jenchung: Bleach and gas torch - NOT ALLOWED
jenchung: Lubricant - NOT ALLOWED
jenchung: Not allowed
jenchung: How awesome is the packaging on the little canister?
jenchung: Super Gasoline is bad as airline passenger bagagge!
jenchung: Bring these babies on
jenchung: Don't carry on any Pledge
jenchung: WD-40 is so not allowed
jenchung: Mom and Jay
jenchung: Ready for China!
jenchung: Forbidden City
jenchung: Practicing calligraphy at the Summer Palace
jenchung: Touristing at the Temple of Heaven
jenchung: Peking Duck in bags at a convenience store
jenchung: Peking Duck as hero?
jenchung: Picture_070421 796
jenchung: Picture_070421 795
jenchung: The most famous Peking Duck restaurant in Beijing
jenchung: Beijing police logo
jenchung: Beijing police SUV
jenchung: Beijing police van
jenchung: Back of Beijing police cruiser