jenchung: Hello, kittens
jenchung: Madison loves sitting on the window sill
jenchung: Kitty perch
jenchung: I need a better camera...
jenchung: Junior likes his kitty "condo"
jenchung: Someone is helping daddy on the computer.
jenchung: Bathtub time
jenchung: OUR chair
jenchung: Curtis Contemplating
jenchung: Rascally cat
jenchung: Curtis (also known as Junior) enjoys his perch.
jenchung: Lounging cats
jenchung: Madison is getting ready for fantasy baseball
jenchung: Kitten friends
jenchung: Curtis loves his big sister Madison
jenchung: Curtis tries to nurse from Madison
jenchung: What's that thump-thump-thump?
jenchung: Sad Mad
jenchung: Patient patient
jenchung: Curtis is not a plastic cat.
jenchung: Me and the baby Curtis (aka Junior)
jenchung: Awwww
jenchung: Excellent cat nappers
jenchung: When their eyes are closed, they don't think I'm bothering them
jenchung: Madison grooms Curtis
jenchung: Picture 653
jenchung: Pretty coat
jenchung: Madison is fierce
jenchung: Hello, spazzy cat
jenchung: Poor curtis