rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
Jill. Stacy. at the hair salon
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
Me and Terri. My hair is far taller than it appears
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
Maids of Honor
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
becky gets her make up done
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
the process of the dress required about 3 people. plus becky.
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
i am so stealing becky's dress. it was gorgeous!
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
airing things out
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
glamour shot 1
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
hey, flowers
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
glamour shot 4
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
glamour shot 2
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
the girls
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
glamour shot 3
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
modern colonial times
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
Ben and Terri. i like this couple!
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
pre-toast....which means we're NOT drunk
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
the most amazing wedding cake, ever.
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
i wanna eat you, cake
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
the first dance. dark. i'm really starting to hate my camera.
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
the first dance. blurry. my camera sucks.
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
seriously. this started happening and i had no idea what was going on.
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
sweet limo action
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
gotta love a limo
rockin' you. like a hurricane.:
oh yeah! limo!!