Jenae smiles :): Colorful Little Lizard
Jenae smiles :): I'm little but I'm pretty!
Jenae smiles :): Grasshopper Anyone?
Jenae smiles :): Character is forged in the smallest of struggles. Then, when the big challenges come, we’re ready. ~ Waiter Rant
Jenae smiles :): “The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.” ~William Sloan Coffin
Jenae smiles :): Please don't eat me! I have a wife and kids... Eat them! ~ Homer Simpson
Jenae smiles :): Flittering in the Sun
Jenae smiles :): A Grasshopper goes into a bar... the bartender says, "Hey! We have a drink named after you!" The grasshopper says, "You have a drink named Steve?"
Jenae smiles :): Name That Bug!
Jenae smiles :): “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ~ John Muir
Jenae smiles :): ~ Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible. ~ Cherie Carter-Scotts
Jenae smiles :): Lady in Red
Jenae smiles :): Lizard looking back at me
Jenae smiles :): What a job... flying around beautiful flowers all day!
Jenae smiles :): BZZZZZZZZZZ
Jenae smiles :): DSC_0121
Jenae smiles :): Butterfly - Southern Dogface
Jenae smiles :): Orchard Spider
Jenae smiles :): Fear is eternal darkness. Go instead with inner strength. For it is like a river into which all streams flow. It increases, always moving forward. Soon, there is nothing that can stand in its way.
Jenae smiles :): Just living is not enough, said the butterfly... One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower. ~ Charles Dickens
Jenae smiles :): colorful lizard
Jenae smiles :): Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Jenae smiles :): Bee on Mum
Jenae smiles :): “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” ` Muhammed Ali
Jenae smiles :): yellow mum with visitor
Jenae smiles :): little lizard on a bush
Jenae smiles :): "He works hard for the Honey"
Jenae smiles :): Lizard Close Up