jena ardell: self-cleaning
jena ardell: Breakfast Companion
jena ardell: Pretty Miss Green Eyes
jena ardell: belly side up
jena ardell: adorable miss gray
jena ardell: Art Connoisseur
jena ardell: miss gray's great big eyeball
jena ardell: cats love windows
jena ardell: the infamous miss gray
jena ardell: me and miss gray
jena ardell: adoringly
jena ardell: hangin on
jena ardell: just being a punk
jena ardell: Cat Nap
jena ardell: gray sticks her tongue out
jena ardell: Little Miss Gray
jena ardell: the better to hear you with
jena ardell: how i wake up every morning...
jena ardell: lazy afternoon
jena ardell: secretly wishes she were a striped cat