SaxonWanderer: Dartmoor Resident
SaxonWanderer: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest." - Jesus
SaxonWanderer: Resting Place
SaxonWanderer: Resting Place
SaxonWanderer: Brentor View
SaxonWanderer: Old Cottage On Dartmoor
SaxonWanderer: Dartmoor Ruin
SaxonWanderer: Me & Dartmoor
SaxonWanderer: Rebel Sheep
SaxonWanderer: Devonshire Valleys
SaxonWanderer: Brentor Tree
SaxonWanderer: 'There's writing on this'
SaxonWanderer: Brentor Church - Dartmoor
SaxonWanderer: Dartmoor Standing Stone
SaxonWanderer: Woodland Ruins
SaxonWanderer: Woodland Ruins