Jen*73: "frosty berrys"
Jen*73: Through misty window..
Jen*73: Church
Jen*73: From christmas market
Jen*73: From christmas market
Jen*73: From Christmas market
Jen*73: Sunset
Jen*73: havet vintertid
Jen*73: gnistrande blomma
Jen*73: beauty by the sea
Jen*73: Gnistrande solig dag
Jen*73: A glade
Jen*73: by the river..
Jen*73: snowy landscape
Jen*73: Falling snow
Jen*73: A suitable name to the hull, the boat appeared to have had a tough time.
Jen*73: from one of my roses..
Jen*73: Björk (birch)
Jen*73: the sense of drawing
Jen*73: Mist over the sea
Jen*73: Sunset
Jen*73: The small pier
Jen*73: Gillar skidturer på sjön, vackert!
Jen*73: vinter när den är som bäst!
Jen*73: På sjön en strålande fin dag!
Jen*73: skidtur, härlig vinterdag..
Jen*73: from my open window
Jen*73: underbar dag med promenad i skogen!
Jen*73: A perfect day, +-0 degrees C, from snow falling to sunshine
Jen*73: next to the island, one can see the horizon.