jemshad: First Pit Stop!
jemshad: IMG_0011
jemshad: IMG_0012
jemshad: Raj Shekhar
jemshad: Raj 'n' Aravind
jemshad: Swaroop
jemshad: Manish Mittal
jemshad: Shijo Joy
jemshad: Mazin - The Baba! :)
jemshad: Sachin Rase
jemshad: Hariharan
jemshad: Tea break
jemshad: IMG_0022
jemshad: Phew!
jemshad: In the bus again
jemshad: IMG_0025
jemshad: rafting4
jemshad: rafting3
jemshad: rafting2
jemshad: rafting5
jemshad: rafting1
jemshad: IMG_0026
jemshad: IMG_0027
jemshad: IMG_0028
jemshad: IMG_0029
jemshad: IMG_0030
jemshad: IMG_0031
jemshad: IMG_0032
jemshad: IMG_0033
jemshad: IMG_0034