jemimahknight: Two robots walk into a bar... #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Sociobot looks like mechanical turk #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rolf Pfeifer introduces the symposium #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rolf Pfeifer at Sphere Cafe #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rolf Pfeifer #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rodney Brooks on screen on stage #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rodney Brooks describes Baxter at symposium #robtosontour (not dance moves)
jemimahknight: Rodney Brooks dashing about on stage at symposium #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rodney Brooks at symposium 2 #robtosontour
jemimahknight: Rodney Brooks at symposium #robtosontour
jemimahknight: Roboy torso #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Roboy leg #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Roboy head #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Roboy hands #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Roboy #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Robots on Tour displays in Zurich Puls 5 old shipbuilding warehouse
jemimahknight: Robot sings Singing in the Rain #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Robot sings Singing in the Rain set #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Robot on a swing 2 #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Robot on a swing #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rob Spence Eyeborg signal noise #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rob Spence Eyeborg films the audience at symposium #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rob Spence Eyeborg 2 #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Rob Spence Eyeborg 1 #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Reem profile #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Reem How may I help you #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Panel discussion on elderly care robots #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Narcissus robot loving his reflection still #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Narcissus robot gazes at his reflection #robotsontour
jemimahknight: Narcissus robot #robotsontour