jemimahknight: mountains on the way
jemimahknight: view on the road
jemimahknight: lost via a wrong turn then a flat
jemimahknight: our very hip rescuers with directions
jemimahknight: roadside break down view
jemimahknight: forest walk
jemimahknight: still a bit lost in SW Nepal
jemimahknight: pretty flowers in the nature reserve
jemimahknight: evening forest walk
jemimahknight: termite apartment block
jemimahknight: evening river
jemimahknight: evening river 2
jemimahknight: looking intrepid
jemimahknight: curly elephant vines in the forest
jemimahknight: elephant and vet
jemimahknight: elephant petting
jemimahknight: elephant petting 2
jemimahknight: evening river 3
jemimahknight: little friend in my bedroom
jemimahknight: mozzie nets
jemimahknight: Indy style bridge crossing
jemimahknight: evening walk
jemimahknight: guide describes elephant sammiches
jemimahknight: elefoot
jemimahknight: elefriend
jemimahknight: elephant
jemimahknight: elefriend2
jemimahknight: inside mozzie net
jemimahknight: early morning elephant exploring
jemimahknight: river rocks