jemale: Lori!
jemale: Thurber cruises
jemale: Hmm... figs...
jemale: Lori helps Kip prepare for the Zine Symposium
jemale: Kicking it old school
jemale: Vera and her serious camera
jemale: Erika arrives
jemale: So many cameras
jemale: Kip brings class to any occasion
jemale: Why, hello Kip's shoe!
jemale: Anne Moloney, girl reporter
jemale: Sara and her swank boots
jemale: Robbie
jemale: Sara and Steve
jemale: Lori and Erika catch up
jemale: Whoa!
jemale: Steve always working
jemale: Bill, it's like I keep telling you...
jemale: Vera anticipates, Jen waits
jemale: Dylan and Marianna are a bit tired now
jemale: Lori awaits pampering
jemale: My feet among the rose petals
jemale: Parafin dip
jemale: Lori post Gibson
jemale: It's Barry!
jemale: Lori in the Blue Hour
jemale: Patrick makes a decision
jemale: Very suave
jemale: Sara, Steve, Coralee and oysters
jemale: Oyster