jemale: The official mascot of the party
jemale: Filling up nicely
jemale: "What have I gotten myself into?"
jemale: Everybody has their theories
jemale: David Chelsea is transfixed
jemale: I'm convinced that this top was designed just for me
jemale: Anne giggles as Dylan shimmies
jemale: And suddenly a flare goes off!
jemale: Kurt in the kitchen
jemale: Colleen is a two fisted drinker
jemale: Damn cartoonists
jemale: "What have I gotten myself into?"
jemale: Aaron make his escape
jemale: Joshin goes into action
jemale: Out by the firepit
jemale: T'was on a night very much like this...
jemale: Suddenly, Anne becomes possessed!
jemale: And then Steve goes up in flames
jemale: BILL!
jemale: Steve gathers evidence
jemale: Cat draws
jemale: There's no stopping Brett
jemale: Goodnight ladies...