Jelena Mrkich: Local little corella's having their fill of clover seeds for dinner.
Jelena Mrkich: Eddy my fluffy assistant keeping a watchful eye on the mouse. #curiouscat #instacat #vigilante
Jelena Mrkich: Sunday makes a purrfect day for replenishing the self.
Jelena Mrkich: "Tell me again why every day can't be Caturday?".
Jelena Mrkich: Early morning yoga stretch in the sun after brekky.
Jelena Mrkich: Eddy my divine fluffy friend turned seven yesterday.
Jelena Mrkich: Mama Coop reckons whoever said not to put all your eggs in one basket never laid any eggs.
Jelena Mrkich: The view from here.
Jelena Mrkich: It's an awesome day in my creative studio when I get to play my shaman drum + golden shakers + clapping sticks.
Jelena Mrkich: Master of noticing the little things + treasure finder. Let found treasure find you; #CreativeNudgeFridays #express #expression #poem #poetry #creative #creativity #exercise #soul #nourishing #caturday #catstagram #hunting #finding #fou
Jelena Mrkich: Dear Universe, thank you for nose kisses. No matter what kind of a day I've had they always make me feel good.
Jelena Mrkich: What I found on my evening photo walk. Eddy my cat. Despite thinking his dinner time was not the most ideal time for taking pics, he was exceptionally patient.
Jelena Mrkich: My fluffy assistant Eddy who helps me even in his sleep. Head resting on the "enter" key, seizing every opportunity to keep calm and purr on. #recharge
Jelena Mrkich: The early birds. #goodmorning
Jelena Mrkich: Meeting Zooki, a 6 year old Centralian python. It's a surreal experience to hold a snake for the first time and feel like you've met them before. It was powerful, healing and really beautiful. Taken last year, this pic reminds me that no matter what other
Jelena Mrkich: Meeting Scout today, a 3 year old Central Bearded Dragon. Its animal wisdom encourages us to embrace our inner warrior, face our fears and tune in to the energies within + around us.
Jelena Mrkich: Loved meeting Scout today, the 3 year old Central Bearded Dragon.
Jelena Mrkich: Hello Annie. She's a 20 year old Clydesdale here on the farm. Like all living beings, horses have a chakra system too. Their very prominent third eye chakra reminds us to strengthen our own intuitive ability.
Jelena Mrkich: Magic Seeking
Jelena Mrkich: Communing with Nature
Jelena Mrkich: The view from here.
Jelena Mrkich: Angel Wings
Jelena Mrkich: White Feathers
Jelena Mrkich: The Seven Sisters
Jelena Mrkich: In the Golden Light
Jelena Mrkich: Angel Wings
Jelena Mrkich: Oh, Happy Day
Jelena Mrkich: Dappled
Jelena Mrkich: My Gumboots and I
Jelena Mrkich: Point of Focus