jehwriter: A Quechua grave, La Mitad del Mundo, Ecuador
jehwriter: Donkey's on Parade
jehwriter: Farmer's Market, Quito, Ecuador
jehwriter: Child in Cayambe, Ecuador
jehwriter: Daniella
jehwriter: Tres Caballeros, Cayambe, Ecuador
jehwriter: Farm, Cayambe, Ecuador
jehwriter: Cayambe, Ecuador
jehwriter: Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador
jehwriter: Tsachila, Santo Domingo del los Colorados, Ecuador
jehwriter: Daycare child in Romerillos, Ecuador
jehwriter: Afraid of the doctor
jehwriter: Child carrying alfalfa in Pastocalle, Ecuador
jehwriter: Daycare in Romerillos, Ecuador
jehwriter: Waiting to see the doctor
jehwriter: A peek over the shoulder
jehwriter: I want my mommy!
jehwriter: Time to get up!
jehwriter: Her only toy, a broken parasol
jehwriter: Naptime
jehwriter: Maybe he'll look up to you
jehwriter: Shopping in Quito
jehwriter: Girl in blue
jehwriter: Girl and bubbles
jehwriter: Convenience store in Euador
jehwriter: Pipe cleaner glasses
jehwriter: Child in Ecuador
jehwriter: Cotopaxi volcano
jehwriter: Quito
jehwriter: Plane