J Sebulsky: Harper taking off to see Thomas
J Sebulsky: Meeting up with Beth, Dave & Brayden
J Sebulsky: Waiting to hop on board Thomas
J Sebulsky: Waiting to hop on board Thomas
J Sebulsky: Dave & Brayden
J Sebulsky: IMG_4938
J Sebulsky: I don't know who is more excited... Jeff... me or Harper???
J Sebulsky: IMG_4946
J Sebulsky: Harper spotting a poster of James
J Sebulsky: and theres Percy!!
J Sebulsky: Watching out window
J Sebulsky: IMG_4954
J Sebulsky: IMG_4955
J Sebulsky: Looking at the cows
J Sebulsky: IMG_4957
J Sebulsky: IMG_4961
J Sebulsky: Waiting for the conductor to come get our tickets
J Sebulsky: IMG_4969
J Sebulsky: Waving at birdies
J Sebulsky: This is the child I wanted to kidnap and take home (should I be saying this on Facebook?)
J Sebulsky: IMG_4972
J Sebulsky: IMG_4973
J Sebulsky: Thomas!!!! (Jeff took 50 pics of Thomas... so I'll spare you all and just stick in a few)
J Sebulsky: IMG_4975
J Sebulsky: IMG_4976
J Sebulsky: IMG_4980