jefpics: Vernazza , Cinque terra Italia
jefpics: Tellaro La Spezia Italy
jefpics: Red sail in the sunset
jefpics: Carrara ,at the top of the marble quarry
jefpics: Carrara ,at the top of the marble quarry
jefpics: P1120987
jefpics: San Gigmignano region Italy
jefpics: San Gimignano skyline
jefpics: San Gigminano region
jefpics: San Gimignano region Italy
jefpics: Power
jefpics: San Gimignano region Italy
jefpics: Madonna della Stella Umbria Italy
jefpics: P1120215
jefpics: 1-P1120222
jefpics: San Luca Umbria (I)
jefpics: P1120267
jefpics: P1120285
jefpics: Montefalco Umbria Italy
jefpics: Moon over San Luca Italia
jefpics: P1120314
jefpics: Montefalco Italia
jefpics: P1120349
jefpics: Montefalco loc. San Marco Italia
jefpics: Refreshing detail
jefpics: Hotel Villa Zuccari Italia
jefpics: P1120453
jefpics: P1120505
jefpics: P1120533
jefpics: P1120612