jefito: Little Man
jefito: Margy Henna
jefito: Henna
jefito: Indian Princess
jefito: Jane and Mary
jefito: Family Portrait
jefito: Beach Bums
jefito: Barbara's Hands
jefito: Beach Girls
jefito: Hey Dad
jefito: Hank on the Beach
jefito: Hank on the Beach 002
jefito: Hank on the Beach 003
jefito: Beach Girl
jefito: Liza and John
jefito: Sunset 002
jefito: Sunset 001
jefito: Before the Wedding
jefito: Waiting for the Bride and Groom
jefito: Brothers
jefito: Here Comes the Bride
jefito: Flower Girl
jefito: Sandy Boy
jefito: Marriage Sand
jefito: John and Asa
jefito: Table Dancing
jefito: Happy Mary
jefito: Table Dancing 002
jefito: A Rare Moment of Peace
jefito: Asa and Owen