j.young1983: Giant Wheel and Giant Disaster
j.young1983: Days of Past Glory
j.young1983: It's Candy!
j.young1983: Calypso Riders
j.young1983: Cedar Point's Hawaiian Theming
j.young1983: Before the ride on Calypso
j.young1983: Raptor
j.young1983: Iron Dragon Reflections
j.young1983: Surprise!
j.young1983: Maverick
j.young1983: Underexposed "Masterpiece"
j.young1983: The Bridges of Erie County
j.young1983: Top Thrill Dragster
j.young1983: TTD Through the Trees
j.young1983: Scary Guy
j.young1983: Iron Dragon
j.young1983: Iron Dragon with Fog
j.young1983: Picturesque Cedar Point
j.young1983: A 22 year old ride
j.young1983: Power Tower
j.young1983: Rising to the Heavens
j.young1983: From the Beach (Explored!!)
j.young1983: Battery Park