Studio d'Xavier: Mistoffelees - the original levitating cat
ruthlesscrab: Floating in the Meditation Room
robjvale: Broken Christmas (002/365)
amy's antics: Up, up and away he goes.
Mount Fuji Man: By this time he regretted getting a small mat to save a couple of quid
jopperbok: Challenging gravity
YetAnotherLisa: I divided by zero
wwnorm: remnants of a broken hot shoe
ricko: Broken Stuff Still Life
enovember: You are a cog
enovember: Plastic Lego Mario
Pahz: Broken, but hanging on
ricko: Self-Portrait With Giant Glow Ball
Mount Fuji Man: Broken Legs reduction
Helen Orozco: 002/365 Casualty of the Undecking
Studio d'Xavier: A Broken Pole. What would Dolly Do?
amy's antics: Broken and for a very good reason. It was the only way to stop it playing 'Happy Birthday' for months after the event.
Studio d'Xavier: When a Candy Character meets Mike Tyson
cooliceblue: me playing my guitar
cooliceblue: our duck
jopperbok: The kick off of 2025
gaymay: January 01, 2025 (27)
Tim Ereneta: Almond Buttons
wwnorm: a chance encounter
ricko: On New Years Day a Plastic Cow is Seen with a Partial Lobster Tail on His Back
Pahz: Be careful out there!
robjvale: Cogs in the G&T machine (366/366)
evaxebra: Day 6543
Studio d'Xavier: Auld Lang Syne
Helen Orozco: It's a Strange Thing