VW Bricks: A concept building I started last night
VW Bricks: A concept building I started last night
VW Bricks: A little more progress
VW Bricks: Playing with pillar designs
VW Bricks: I decided to use this detail
VW Bricks: progress on the new building
VW Bricks: Some more progress...
VW Bricks: Some more progress...
VW Bricks: Some more progress...
VW Bricks: Reworked the building again, another enjoyable late night of building
VW Bricks: Reworked the building again, another enjoyable late night of building
VW Bricks: Reworked the building again, another enjoyable late night of building
VW Bricks: Third floor figured out, a lot of parts missing in this one, I still need to do the roof.
VW Bricks: Third floor figured out, a lot of parts missing in this one, I still need to do the roof.
VW Bricks: Added the roof line, now to wait for the parts to arrive
VW Bricks: Added the roof line, now to wait for the parts to arrive
VW Bricks: Time for the rebuild
VW Bricks: Mostly finished last night... Only a few parts missing
VW Bricks: Mostly finished last night... Only a few parts missing
VW Bricks: Mostly finished last night... Only a few parts missing
VW Bricks: Mostly finished last night... Only a few parts missing