VW Bricks: tower design... which one is better
VW Bricks: tower design... which one is better
VW Bricks: castle v5
VW Bricks: starting castle version 5..
VW Bricks: progress
VW Bricks: More progress
VW Bricks: More progress
VW Bricks: More progress
VW Bricks: More progress
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: And now to start detailing...
VW Bricks: Castle v5.. Before today's starting point..
VW Bricks: Castle v5.. Before today's starting point..
VW Bricks: precious
VW Bricks: Progress made last night
VW Bricks: Progress made last night
VW Bricks: Castle v5.. Looks like I need to order some other parts
VW Bricks: Castle v5.. Looks like I need to order some other parts
VW Bricks: That was a long night of building...
VW Bricks: That was a long night of building...
VW Bricks: That was a long night of building...
VW Bricks: That was a long night of building...
VW Bricks: Started working on the lower town
VW Bricks: Started working on the lower town
VW Bricks: Started working on the lower town
VW Bricks: Started working on the lower town