Jeff Sprang: The Ice Bubble Dolphin
Jeff Sprang: Wild Turkeys of the Corn
Jeff Sprang: Lonely Blue Jay
Jeff Sprang: Cheese it! Here comes the Hawk! Let's get the flock out of here!
Jeff Sprang: Winter at the Pond Edge
Jeff Sprang: Northern water snake — nature's symmetry. Snake wake.
Jeff Sprang: Canada Geese on patrol — taken at the Ashland University Black Fork Wetlands
Jeff Sprang: Chickadee in a Hawthorn tree maze
Jeff Sprang: Chickadee in the Hawthorn tree (another view)
Jeff Sprang: Screech softly and carry a big stick
Jeff Sprang: Bald Eagles - Nesting Pair
Jeff Sprang: Male Bald Eagle With Nesting Materials
Jeff Sprang: Tree trunks reflected in pond ice
Jeff Sprang: Black feral cat
Jeff Sprang: The Hawk
Jeff Sprang: Frog Heaven
Jeff Sprang: Portrait of a Muskrat
Jeff Sprang: Winter Cardinal
Jeff Sprang: Cardinal
Jeff Sprang: Bald Eagle, Sycamore Trees
Jeff Sprang: Blending in – White tailed deer
Jeff Sprang: Female Red-winged Blackbird
Jeff Sprang: Female Red-winged Blackbird
Jeff Sprang: C'mon little buddy – Time to go! White tailed deer.
Jeff Sprang: Catbird dines on bugs
Jeff Sprang: The Eagle Has Landed
Jeff Sprang: Chickadee, take 1
Jeff Sprang: Chickadee, take 2
Jeff Sprang: Barn Swallow getting a drink or bath or both.
Jeff Sprang: Downy Woodpecker