Jeff Skrentny: - "Sucking the Blood From His Toes" Snowy Owl (male) (Bubo scandiacus) McLean County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1662
Jeff Skrentny: - Snowy Owl (male) (Bubo scandiacus) McLean County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_166x
Jeff Skrentny: - Snowy Owl (male) (Bubo scandiacus) McLean County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1688
Jeff Skrentny: - Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons) IL22 west of Strawn Livingston County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1692
Jeff Skrentny: - "Gray Ghost" Northern Harrier (male) (Circus cyaneus) IL 13 near Roberts Livingston IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1702
Jeff Skrentny: - Giant Stonefly species (Pteronarcyidae sp) Just south of Kankakee River State Park Kankakee County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9469
Jeff Skrentny: - Giant Stonefly species (Pteronarcyidae sp) Just south of Kankakee River State Park Kankakee County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9472
Jeff Skrentny: - Double-crested Cormorant (immature) (Phalacrocorax auritus) Big Bend of the Calumet River Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1718
Jeff Skrentny: - American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea) O'Brien Lock & Dam Calumet area of Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1722
Jeff Skrentny: - Red-tailed Hawk (immature) (Buteo jamaicensis) O'Brien Lock & Dam Calumet area of Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1729
Jeff Skrentny: - Red-shouldered Hawk (adult) (Buteo lineatus) Wolf Lake Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1739
Jeff Skrentny: - Long-tailed Duck (female) (Clangula hyemalis) 59th Street Harbor Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1750
Jeff Skrentny: - American Kestrel (male) (Falco sparverius) w/mammalian prey McCormick Bird Sanctuary Chicago Cook County IL February 2017 Week #6 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1756