Jeff Skrentny: - Blue-winged Teal (drake & hen) (Anas discors) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0186
Jeff Skrentny: - Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0204
Jeff Skrentny: Easten Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0219
Jeff Skrentny: - Wild Leek or Ramp (Allium tricoccum) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0232
Jeff Skrentny: - Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0235
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, ~1140am April 12th 2015 IMG_0240
Jeff Skrentny: - Northern Flicker (female yellow shafted) (Colaptes auratus auratus) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0255
Jeff Skrentny: Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0272
Jeff Skrentny: - Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2016 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0338
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, 1155am April 13th 2015 IMG_0341
Jeff Skrentny: Northern Flicker (male yellow shafted) (Colaptes auratus) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0359
Jeff Skrentny: Blue-winged Teal (3 males, 2 females) IMG_0393
Jeff Skrentny: Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0400
Jeff Skrentny: UnIDed flower - detail LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0406
Jeff Skrentny: UnIDed flower LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0408
Jeff Skrentny: Yellow-rumped Warlber (breeding Myrtle male) (Setophaga coronata coronata) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0410
Jeff Skrentny: Eastern Comma (fall form inner wing) (Polygonia comma) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0412
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, ~1110am April 14th 2015 IMG_0415
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, ~715pm April 16th 2015 IMG_0446
Jeff Skrentny: First Big Snapper of the Year LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0453
Jeff Skrentny: Northern Flicker IMG_0455
Jeff Skrentny: Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0500
Jeff Skrentny: Box Elder - bloom detail (Acer negundo) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0519
Jeff Skrentny: Yellow-rumped Warlber (breeding Myrtle male) (Setophaga coronata coronata) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0529
Jeff Skrentny: Common Green Darner (coupled pair) () LaBagh Woods Slough Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0534
Jeff Skrentny: White Trout Lily (Erythronium albidum) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0559
Jeff Skrentny: White Trout Lily - flower closeup (Erythronium albidum) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0566
Jeff Skrentny: - Two-spotted Bumblebee (Bombus bimaculatus) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0571
Jeff Skrentny: Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #15 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0572