Jeff Skrentny: Blue-winged Teal (drake) (Anas discors) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL March 2015 Week #13 LaBagh Species #52 of 2015 IMG_8852
Jeff Skrentny: American Wigeon (drake) (Anas americana) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL March 2015 Week #13 LaBagh Species #54 of 2015 IMG_8893
Jeff Skrentny: European Paper Wasp (female) (Polistes dominula) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_8903
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, 20 minutes after noon March 29th, 2015 IMG_8912
Jeff Skrentny: Rusty Blackbird (female) (Euphagus carolinus) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9038
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, 115pm April 2nd, 2015 IMG_9055
Jeff Skrentny: Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9086
Jeff Skrentny: Brown-headed Blackbird (Molothrus ater) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9135
Jeff Skrentny: Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9144
Jeff Skrentny: Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9170
Jeff Skrentny: Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9176
Jeff Skrentny: Field Sparrows (Spizella pusilla) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9184
Jeff Skrentny: Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9234
Jeff Skrentny: Bufflehead (male) (Bucephala albeola) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9237
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, 1050am April 3rd, 2015 IMG_9272
Jeff Skrentny: Chicago River, North Branch, Looking East from LaBagh Woods Trestle, 1120am March 29th, 2015 IMG_8813
Jeff Skrentny: Judy, Katy & Luis WITH BIG TOOLS LaBagh Woods March 2015 IMG_8817
Jeff Skrentny: Josh Leading the Circle Up LaBagh Workday LaBagh Woods March 2015 IMG_8822
Jeff Skrentny: The LaBagh Workday Crew on this Last Cutting Day of the Spring LaBagh Woods March 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_8823
Jeff Skrentny: Hanging Out After Today's LaBagh Workday, Josh, Robb, Doug, Clarie & Ryan LaBagh Woods March 2015 IMG_8826
Jeff Skrentny: - Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9140
Jeff Skrentny: Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9144
Jeff Skrentny: - Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9185
Jeff Skrentny: - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9192
Jeff Skrentny: Bufflehead (male & female) (Bucephala albeola) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9218
Jeff Skrentny: Wood Duck (male) (Aix sponsa) LaBagh Woods Chicago Cook County IL April 2015 Week #13 Jeff Skrentny IMG_9224
Jeff Skrentny: Jeff @ LaBagh Headshot April 2015 IMG_0136