Jeff Skrentny: Wind Map Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 8.59.33 AM
Jeff Skrentny: Strong Winds from NW, Just What I Wanted to See Wadsworth Road Looking to Power Plant IBSPHW 4th Friday September 2014 IMG_1326
Jeff Skrentny: Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1329
Jeff Skrentny: Paul Janice & Jeff IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_7724
Jeff Skrentny: Late Season, and Beat up Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1332
Jeff Skrentny: Red-tailed Hawk (juvenile) (Buteo jamaicensis) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1335
Jeff Skrentny: Rather Worn Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1341
Jeff Skrentny: Salt Marsh Moth Caterpillar? (Estigmene acrea?) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_7728
Jeff Skrentny: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1346
Jeff Skrentny: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) IBSPHW Lake County IL Forth Sunday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1348