Jeff Skrentny: Not Ideal Radar for IBSPHW Second Friday 2014 IMG_7562
Jeff Skrentny: Wind Map Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 7.20.14 AM
Jeff Skrentny: Power Plant Wasn't Encouraging Either, But The Winds Were From North IBSPHW Second Friday 2014 IMG_0867
Jeff Skrentny: Great Egret (Ardea alba) Heading South IBSPHW Lake County IL September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0868
Jeff Skrentny: Jeff Paul & Janice IBSPHW Second Friday IMG_7566
Jeff Skrentny: Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0873
Jeff Skrentny: Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) on Woolly or Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0879
Jeff Skrentny: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0880
Jeff Skrentny: Distant Merlin (Falco columbarius) w/prey IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0886
Jeff Skrentny: Cricket & Beetle on Milkweed IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0890
Jeff Skrentny: Juvenile Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) IBSPHW Lake County IL September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0893
Jeff Skrentny: Well Emily, Will You? IBSPHW Second Friday September 2014 IMG_0897
Jeff Skrentny: Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) Flying High & Organized IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 IMG_0901
Jeff Skrentny: Rough Blazingstar (Liatris aspera) & Sawtooth Sunflower ((Helianthus grosseserratus) Color the Prairie IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0903
Jeff Skrentny: Adult Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0906
Jeff Skrentny: Rough Blazingstar (Liatris aspera) IBSPHW Lake County IL Second Friday September 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0913
Jeff Skrentny: Rain Getting Closer IBSPHW Second Friday September 2014 IMG_7568
Jeff Skrentny: Did Emily Say Yes? IBSPHW Second Friday September 2014 IMG_0915
Jeff Skrentny: Rain Has Arrived & Shuts Us Down IBSPHW Second Friday September 2014 IMG_7569