Jeff Skrentny: Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) Paul Douglas Forest Preserve Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5410
Jeff Skrentny: "Red" Meadowhawk (Sympertrum species) Paul Douglas Forest Preserve Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5425
Jeff Skrentny: RN & Lynne running 2 miles Paul Douglas June 2014 IMG_5428
Jeff Skrentny: Common Snapping Turtle (female) (Chelydra serpentina) (killed and eaten by a predator, possibly a coyote) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 IMG_5431
Jeff Skrentny: 193-Black-crowned NIght-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5440
Jeff Skrentny: Virginia Ctunucha (Ctunucha virginica) (Hodges #8262) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5444
Jeff Skrentny: Virginia Ctunucha (Ctunucha virginica) (Hodges #8262) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5448
Jeff Skrentny: Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5451
Jeff Skrentny: AG & RN in the Children's Area Crabtree Nature Center June 2014 IMG_5454
Jeff Skrentny: 926-Indigo Bunting (Passerina versicolor) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5456
Jeff Skrentny: 464-Barred Owl (Strix varia) (captive) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5457
Jeff Skrentny: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexipgus) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5461
Jeff Skrentny: 228-Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) being divebombed by 931-Red-winged Blackbird (male) (Agelaius phoeniceus) Crabtree Nature Center Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5462
Jeff Skrentny: 181-Great Egret (Ardea alba) on nest AT&T Center Drive Hoffman Estates Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5469
Jeff Skrentny: Familiar Bluet (male) (Enallagma civile) terminal appendage detail AT&T Center Drive Hoffman Estates Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5479
Jeff Skrentny: Familiar Bluet (male) (Enallagma civile) w/prey AT&T Center Drive Hoffman Estates Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5481
Jeff Skrentny: Familiar Bluet (male) (Enallagma civile) w/prey AT&T Center Drive Hoffman Estates Cook County IL June 2014 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5482