Jeff Skrentny: Sunday 9/15/13 predicted weather map for Friday 9/20/13… LOOKS GOOD
Jeff Skrentny: United States Wind Map Friday Morning 9/20/13
Jeff Skrentny: 893-Lincoln's Sparrow (juvenile) (Melospiza lincolnii) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5810
Jeff Skrentny: 893-Lincoln's Sparrow (juvenile taking flight) (Melospiza lincolnii) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5812
Jeff Skrentny: 201-Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5814
Jeff Skrentny: 214-Sharp-shinned Hawk (juvenile) (Accipiter striatus) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5817
Jeff Skrentny: Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny FB0920 IMG_5829
Jeff Skrentny: Vic, Paul & Jeff where are the hawks IBSP HW September 2013 IMG_5830
Jeff Skrentny: 201-Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5832
Jeff Skrentny: 8203-Banded Tussock Moth Caterpillar (Halysidota tessellaris) IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5835
Jeff Skrentny: 554-Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) IBSP Hawkwatch Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5844
Jeff Skrentny: 550-Merlin (Falco columbarius) IBSP Hawkwatch Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5850
Jeff Skrentny: 203-Osprey (Pandian haliaetus) IBSP Hawkwatch Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5852
Jeff Skrentny: 203-Osprey (Pandian haliaetus) IBSP Hawkwatch Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5862
Jeff Skrentny: Paul, Jeff & Janice the Friday IBSP HW regular Septembrer 2013 IMG_3613
Jeff Skrentny: 554-Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) IBSP Hawkwatch Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5869 #GreatNature #animal
Jeff Skrentny: unknown moth IBSP Hawkwatch Pavilion Lake County IL September 2013 Jeff Skrentny IMG_5872