Jeff Skrentny: 874-Field Sparrow (adult) Roskamp Road near Banner Marsh Fulton County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0901
Jeff Skrentny: 878-Lark Sparrow (adult) Roskamp Road near Banner Marsh Fulton County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0428 IMG_0907
Jeff Skrentny: Bobwhite (breeding adult pair) IMG_0911
Jeff Skrentny: 916-Blue Grosbeak (breeding adult male) North Pollitt Road near Rice Lake State Conservation Area Fulton County IL Jeff Skrentny FB0503 IMG_0914
Jeff Skrentny: Barred Owl IMG_0922
Jeff Skrentny: 222-Broad-winged Hawk (adult) Sand Ridge State Park Mason County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0937
Jeff Skrentny: 625-Blue-headed Vireo (adult) Sand Ridge State Forest Campground Mason County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0613 IMG_939
Jeff Skrentny: 834-Pine Warbler (adult breeding male) Sand Ridge State Park Mason County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0427 IMG_0945
Jeff Skrentny: Cattle Egret (adult) IMG_0946
Jeff Skrentny: 913-Rose-breasted Grosbeak (breeding adult male) Marshall County State Conservation Area Marshall County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0950
Jeff Skrentny: 824-Northern Parula (adult breeding male) Sparland Marshall County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0426 IMG_0956
Jeff Skrentny: 247-Sora Hennepin Hopper Putnam County IL April 2012 IMG_0961
Jeff Skrentny: Shooting Stars - Dodecatheon meadia Primulaceae (Primrose family) Hennepin Hopper Putnam County IL IMG_0976
Jeff Skrentny: 172-American White Pelicans Hennepin Hopper Putnam County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0424 IMG_0980
Jeff Skrentny: Shooting Stars - Dodecatheon meadia Primulaceae (Primrose family) Hennepin Hopper Putnam County IL IMG_0981
Jeff Skrentny: 284-Greater Yellowlegs Bottom Road Putnam County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0986
Jeff Skrentny: 897-White-crowned Sparrow (breeding adult) Spring Valley Road south of Spring Valley Bureau County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB1022 IMG_0991
Jeff Skrentny: 819-Common Yellowthroat (breeding adult male) Spring Valley Road south of Spring Valley Bureau County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_0992
Jeff Skrentny: 279-Solitary Sandpiper Spring Valley Road Bureau County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0504 IMG_0996
Jeff Skrentny: 800-Northern Waterthrush Spring Valley Road Bureau County IL April 2012 FB0507 IMG_1003
Jeff Skrentny: 069-Northern Bobwhite Ag Fields near Topeka IL Mason County IL April 2012 FB0511 IMG_1017
Jeff Skrentny: 327-Pectoral Sandpiper (spring adult) North Parking lot of South Globe Unit Emiquon NWR Fulton County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1019
Jeff Skrentny: 281-Black-necked Stilt South Globe Unit Emiquon Fulton County IL April 2012 IMG_1027
Jeff Skrentny: 332-Wilson's Snipe Thompson Lake Emiquon Fulton County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny FB0509 IMG_1035
Jeff Skrentny: 247-Sora Banner Marsh Fulton County IL April 2012 IMG_1038
Jeff Skrentny: 016-Mute Swan (threat displaying adult) Banner Marsh Peoria County IL April 2012 Jeff Skrentny IMG_1040
Jeff Skrentny: Fluffer the Yellow Rubber Ducky, our Big Day Mascot, driving us forward April 2012 Big Day IMG_1044