Jeff Sandquist: watching old home movies of Josie and Brynn
Jeff Sandquist: 24 year old Brynn watching 15 year old Brynn
Jeff Sandquist: Gertie and Lily
Jeff Sandquist: Penny and Truffle couldnt care less about old home movies
Jeff Sandquist: Truffle playing with Ike's feet
Jeff Sandquist: jeff and the grandog
Jeff Sandquist: lily and gertie
Jeff Sandquist: lily snoozed in the sun most of the day
Jeff Sandquist: josie enjoying some sun on lauri's beloved Ms blanket
Jeff Sandquist: buck nekkid in the backyard
Jeff Sandquist: ike, john, vern, jeff and todd
Jeff Sandquist: thank you Fischer Meats!
Jeff Sandquist: john and todd
Jeff Sandquist: vern, lily and ike
Jeff Sandquist: nancy and gertie
Jeff Sandquist: grandog
Jeff Sandquist: todd and jeff
Jeff Sandquist: brynn, ike and lily
Jeff Sandquist: sweet baby Lily
Jeff Sandquist: todd, gertie, nancy and jeff
Jeff Sandquist: todd and nancy and jeff watching the food
Jeff Sandquist: grilling ..
Jeff Sandquist: gertie looks pretty darn young to have a 40 year old boy now
Jeff Sandquist: sky ball goes up
Jeff Sandquist: sky ball comes down
Jeff Sandquist: john and vern
Jeff Sandquist: isaac and nancy over the grill
Jeff Sandquist: john, gertie and todd
Jeff Sandquist: gertie and todd
Jeff Sandquist: piper, finn and josie eating hot dogs