jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - The Real Santa
jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - TV Guy.JPG
jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - Smothered Santa.JPG
jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - Riot Police
jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - Reveler.JPG
jeffb123: Lan Kwai Fong - Mob
jeffb123: IMG_3676.JPG
jeffb123: IMG_3504.JPG
jeffb123: IMG_3460.JPG
jeffb123: IMG_3428.JPG
jeffb123: IMG_3419.JPG
jeffb123: Gee in the mall
jeffb123: IMG_3414.JPG
jeffb123: IMG_1929.JPG
jeffb123: Mall Insanity
jeffb123: IMG_1323
jeffb123: IMG_1201
jeffb123: Santa's Workshop
jeffb123: Santa's Workshop
jeffb123: Asian Santa
jeffb123: Security Elf
jeffb123: Frosty!
jeffb123: IMG_2341
jeffb123: IMG_2339