Jeff Robson:
Feeling hungry?
Jeff Robson:
Master pineapple carver
Jeff Robson:
Delicious with chilli!
Jeff Robson:
Waiting at the markets
Jeff Robson:
La Cordan Waterfront ... what's so funny?
Jeff Robson:
The Hindu temples are always so colourful!
Jeff Robson:
Worship time
Jeff Robson:
The circle of life
Jeff Robson:
The old processing mill at la Adventure de Sucre (Sugar Adventure) They have every bit of information about sugar that you could ever want to know here!
Jeff Robson:
Time to sample the rum!
Jeff Robson:
Looks pretty good!
Jeff Robson:
What else is there to do with all the sugar?
Jeff Robson:
The giant waterlillies at Pampelmousses Gardens
Jeff Robson:
This is what the waterlillies look like when they first stick their heads above water
Jeff Robson:
Waterlilly flower at the start of the day
Jeff Robson:
Waterlilly or triffid?
Jeff Robson:
Waterlilly flower at the end of the day
Jeff Robson:
Awwwww ... even the plants love this place
Jeff Robson:
Lilly patterns
Jeff Robson:
Perfect Lotus blossum
Jeff Robson:
More triffids
Jeff Robson:
Jeff Robson:
Lotus blossum in full flower
Jeff Robson:
Lilly pads
Jeff Robson:
Jeff Robson:
It starts with a single drop
Jeff Robson:
Blossum in the rain
Jeff Robson:
"This is all your fault. We should've stopped to ask for directions. Now we're bogged!"
Jeff Robson:
Are you wet, deer?
Jeff Robson:
Our adventure to Ile aux Cerfs ... apparently it's beautiful when it's sunny!