jeffreyw: diving through the brush
jeffreyw: he's going to set down on that limb
jeffreyw: swooping by
jeffreyw: predator overflight
jeffreyw: mo' hawk
jeffreyw: watchful waiting
jeffreyw: just one thing after another
jeffreyw: he's back
jeffreyw: with a friend
jeffreyw: diving on a songbird
jeffreyw: on the hunt
jeffreyw: and a rear view
jeffreyw: i see you, mr camera guy
jeffreyw: he's back
jeffreyw: alighting on a stob
jeffreyw: in pursuit
jeffreyw: 3..2..1..launch!
jeffreyw: front view
jeffreyw: an immature cooper's?
jeffreyw: close...but no bluejay this time
jeffreyw: back for another try
jeffreyw: squirrel wins the staring match
jeffreyw: get lost bub, this is my tree
jeffreyw: love these hawks, but he scares the little birdies
jeffreyw: he's missed and is looking for a perch
jeffreyw: in chase
jeffreyw: he's been here all morning
jeffreyw: and we have a launch
jeffreyw: Look out little blue jay!
jeffreyw: zoom zoom zoom