jeffreyw: Mmm... sammich
jeffreyw: pastrami on rye
jeffreyw: mmm...chili dog
jeffreyw: mmm...sammich
jeffreyw: mmm...sammich
jeffreyw: mmm... gooood
jeffreyw: Mmm... sammich
jeffreyw: Chat Noir Special
jeffreyw: mmm... warm fresh bread w/butter
jeffreyw: serve with gravy for dipping
jeffreyw: mash it flat
jeffreyw: spoon on some cranberry relish
jeffreyw: then a layer of dressing
jeffreyw: add a layer of turkey
jeffreyw: spread some candied yams
jeffreyw: Mmm... slaw dogs
jeffreyw: Mmm... salmon pattie
jeffreyw: mmm... chili dog
jeffreyw: roll your own
jeffreyw: mmm... sammiches
jeffreyw: Mmm... curly dog
jeffreyw: appetizer
jeffreyw: build your own
jeffreyw: mmm... chili dog
jeffreyw: mmm... pastrami on rye
jeffreyw: mmm... BBQ sammich with chow chow
jeffreyw: double dog
jeffreyw: something to tide me over till supper
jeffreyw: yum! sausages on buns with slaw
jeffreyw: mmm...salami and cheese with stuff on it